Reading Guide


We are dedicated to developing the reading habit. Giving out Crossword vouchers to contest winners was one of the ways to help it. People who read a lot know how a good book changes their perspective about so many things or helps them gain a perspective.

But different books work for different people. We know that. You cannot make a devoted Harry Potter or Dan Brown fan to dig a high-brow fare like Camus or Ibsen and vice versa. A Reader’s Digest devourer will look at nothing else. You get the drift...

Your Reading Guide here could be your help on the most important texts you should be reading for sustaining in the field or just to be more culturally conscious.

You can also request a Reading Test Online by prior appointment. Just drop in a request regarding a test at escribespublications at yahoo/ along with your CV.

You will receive the result the next day along with list of texts you should read.

Here is a step by step guide of how you could start on the Reading agenda and your status. UNDER CONSTRUCTION.